
Upcoming Services

Every Saturday: Vespers at 5:30 p.m.

Every Sunday: Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m.

To message Archimandrite Kyril or to arrange a baptism or wedding please email priest@bristol-orthodox-church.co.uk (telephone: 0117 970 6302 or 07944 860 955).

(Note: our Parish follows the “New” (Revised Julian) Calendar. For dates on the “Old” Julian Calendar, refer to an online calendar.)

Parish News

Sign up to our monthly newsletter by emailing Rebecca: rebeccajane0987@hotmail.com. 

Some Saints and Feasts of the Coming Days


Food Bank

We have a food bank that always needs your donations. Amidst our God-given sufficiency, DON’T FORGET THE NEEDS OF OTHERS. Please bring contributions.


Eastern Orthodox Church

Sort Code: 30-92-13

Account Number: 02117705

Gift Aid

Are you a taxpayer? Do you put money into the donations box or Sunday collections?

As a charity, the Government will pay back to the Church the amount of tax you have paid on your donations. But for us not to miss out on the full amount, it is really helpful if you:

1) Complete a simple Gift Aid mandate form (available on the table at the back of the church – or just ask) and give it to our treasurer Neil;

2) and then put your donations into one of the little brown envelopes on the candle desk and then write your name on it.

3) The same applies if you are making donations online – we need your mandate form! That way our treasurer can account for it all to the taxman and get the full amount back.